Together making our communities more aging-friendly.
Conference Hosts
Center for the Advanced Study of Aging Services (CASAS)
The Center for the Advanced Study of Aging Services is an initiative by the School of Social Welfare at the University of California at Berkeley. Our mission is to improve services for elderly people through a multifaceted approach including research, collaboration and education.
We support research and development regarding innovative programs and services designed to improve the lives of older persons. Collaboration is an important goal of the Center, bringing together academics, service providers, community leaders, policy makers, consumers, students and others interested in improving services for the elderly. We also work to improve the training of social workers to meet the needs of a growing and ever-changing population of older Americans.
Community Strengths supports communities to solve complex issues and capture emerging opportunities. Our work identifies and builds upon existing community strengths. We use skill-based training, capacity building and transformation processes to help support the goals and aspirations of the communities and organizations we work with.
iCohere, Inc. provides software and services for building collaborative online communities for workgroups and organizational collaboration, online learning, and knowledge management. iCohere also produces extended online (virtual) conferences. Clients range from small to large non-profit, governmental and educational organizations .
With over 39 million members, AARP is the leading nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization for people age 50 and over in the United States. The group is known for providing a host of services to this ever-growing segment of the population by:
Informing members and the public on issues important to this age group
Advocating on legislative, consumer and legal issues
Promoting community service
Offering a wide range of special products and services to members
AARP is dedicated to enhancing quality of life for all as we age. We lead positive social change and deliver value to members through information, advocacy and service.
The American Library Association is the oldest and largest library association in the world, with more than 65,000 members. Its mission is to promote the highest quality library and information services and public access to information. ALA offers professional services and publications to members and nonmembers, including online news stories from American Libraries and analysis of crucial issues from the Washington Office.
The need for planners to shape a community vision has never been greater. The American Planning Association brings together thousands of people — practicing planners, citizens, elected officials — committed to making great communities happen.
APA is a nonprofit public interest and research organization committed to urban, suburban, regional, and rural planning. APA and its professional institute, the American Institute of Certified Planners, advance the art and science of planning to meet the needs of people and society.
Founded in 1954, the American Society on Aging is an association of diverse individuals bound by a common goal: to support the commitment and enhance the knowledge and skills of those who seek to improve the quality of life of older adults and their families. The membership of ASA is a multidisciplinary array of professionals who are concerned with the physical, emotional, social, economic and spiritual aspects of aging. They range from practitioners, educators, administrators, policymakers, business people, researchers, students, and more. ASA offers a diverse array of renowned educational programming, outstanding publications and state-of-the-art information and training resources, and the largest and most dynamic network of professionals in the field of aging.
The Center for Civic Partnerships is a support organization that strengthens individuals, organizations, and communities by facilitating learning, leadership development, and networking. We envision a world where everyone can live a healthy, productive life in a clean, safe environment. The Center for Civic Partnerships is a center of the Public Health Institute.
The Center for Home Care Policy and Research conducts scientifically rigorous research to promote the delivery of high quality, cost-effective care in the home and community and support informed decision making by policy makers, payers, managers, practitioners, and consumers of home and community based services.
The Center's research focuses in three main areas:
Improving the quality, cost-effectiveness, and outcomes of home care services
Analyzing and informing public policies that affect home-based care
Supporting communities that promote successful aging in place
The Center has a close relationship with its parent agency, the Visiting Nurse Service of New York, the largest nonprofit home care agency in the United States, which enables the Center to conduct research that is broadly applicable to real-world home care settings.
The Center for Intergenerational Learning at Temple University (
The Center for Intergenerational Learning at Temple University is dedicated to strengthening communities by bringing generations together to meet the needs of individuals and families throughout the life cycle. Established in 1979, the Center for Intergenerational Learning is a national resource for intergenerational programming.
Contra Costa for Every Generation is a countywide movement to make our local communities good places to age — supporting our aspirations to stay healthy, live independently and lead full and productive lives. We forge volunteer coalitions that promote and advocate for more aging-friendly practices in all aspects of Contra Costa life.
Lake Oswego residents are active in their community, taking great pride in the city and its unique history. It is considered one of the finest residential areas in Oregon. Lake Oswego offers full-service police and fire protection, ample recreational opportunities, a top-ranked public library, an award-winning senior center, and some of the best schools in the country.
Civic Ventures is a think tank and an incubator, generating ideas and inventing programs to help society achieve the greatest return on experience.
Founded in the late 1990s by social entrepreneur Marc Freedman, Civic Ventures is reframing the debate about aging in America and redefining the second half of life as a source of social and individual renewal. Through research, publishing, conferences, and media outreach, Civic Ventures reports on the growth of the experience movement. Through programs and consulting, Civic Ventures brings together older adults with a passion for service and helps stimulate opportunities for using their talents to advance the greater good. In these ways, Civic Ventures is helping America realize an experience dividend.
The Colorado Trust is an independent grantmaking foundation dedicated to advancing the health and well-being of the people of Colorado. Together with individuals, groups and communities across the state, we focus on physical and mental health care, and address family and community needs to help people lead healthy, productive lives.
The foundation was created in 1985 from the proceeds of the sale of the nonprofit PSL Healthcare Corporation. The Trust's total grantmaking has exceeded its original endowment with grants supporting and strengthening nonprofit organizations and governmental entities across Colorado.
Community Planning & Research (CRP) advises the Community Experience Partnership, an initiative for U.S. community foundations seeking to engage older Americans in the work of community improvement and social change from The Atlantic Philanthropies. CPR is a full-service evaluation, applied research and strategic planning consulting firm dedicated to supporting community-based organizations, charitable foundations and other grantmakers, membership associations and other public benefit entities. With a flexible, client-centered approach and an emphasis on quality, CPR offers an unequaled combination of experience, intelligence, creativity and commitment. Nationally respected for the value we bring through our work, we pride ourselves on being innovative yet grounded, visionary yet steadfast in our focus on results.
The primary purpose of CSAC is to represent county government before the California Legislature, administrative agencies and the federal government. CSAC places a strong emphasis on educating the public about the value and need for county programs and services.
GIA provides a personal connection for its members to key people, high quality resources and state-of-the art ideas about aging and all issues related to aging. The centerpiece of GIA's programming is its Annual Conference. Additional member benefits include: Issue Discussions, Regional Forums, and access to ReCAP, an Internet-based resource area containing aging-related information of interest to grantmakers.
Grantmakers In Aging (GIA), is dedicated to promoting and strengthening grantmaking for an aging society and is the only international professional organization of grantmakers active in the field.
GIA's membership includes leading staff and trustees from all sizes and types of grantmaking organizations involved directly or indirectly with aging.
Institute for Geriatric Social Work, Boston University School of Social Work (
The Institute is committed to becoming a national leader in developing the workforce of social workers to meet the challenges of a growing and changing population of older Americans. Through innovative and wide-ranging education and training efforts, IGSW provides practicing B.S.W. and M.S.W. social workers -- the large majority of whom have received little or no geriatric training -- with the knowledge, skills and tools they require to meet the needs of older adults and their family members.
Institute on Aging (IOA) is a community-based, not-for-profit organization that touches the lives of thousands of seniors in San Francisco, Marin, and the Peninsula each year. IOA's mission is to enhance the quality of life for adults as they age by enabling them to maintain their health, well-being, independence, and participation in the community.
The Local Government Commission (LGC) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, membership organization that provides inspiration, technical assistance, and networking to local elected officials and other dedicated community leaders who are working to create healthy, walkable, and resource-efficient communities.
The LGC's membership is composed of local elected officials, city and county staff, planners, architects, and community leaders who are committed to making their communities more livable, prosperous, and resource-efficient.
National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (
The National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) is the umbrella organization for the 655 area agencies on aging (AAAs) and more than 230 Title VI Native American aging programs in the U.S. Through its presence in Washington, D.C., n4a advocates on behalf of the local aging agencies to ensure that needed resources and support services are available to older Americans. The fundamental mission of the AAAs and Title VI programs is to provide services which make it possible for older individuals to remain in their home, thereby preserving their independence and dignity. These agencies coordinate and support a wide range of home- and community-based services, including information and referral, home-delivered and congregate meals, transportation, employment services, senior centers, adult day care and a long-term care ombudsman program.
n4a's primary mission is to build the capacity of its members to help older persons and persons with disabilities live with dignity and choices in their homes and communities for as long as possible.
The National Association of Counties (NACo) is the only national organization that represents county governments in the United States. Founded in 1935, NACo provides essential services to the nation’s 3,066 counties. NACo advances issues with a unified voice before the federal government, improves the public's understanding of county government, assists counties in finding and sharing innovative solutions through education and research, and provides value-added services to save counties and taxpayers money.
NACo's membership totals more than 2,000 counties, representing over 80 percent of the nation's population.
With its headquarters on Capitol Hill, NACo is a full-service organization that provides an extensive line of services including legislative, research, technical, and public affairs assistance, as well as enterprise services to its members. The association acts as a liaison with other levels of government, works to improve public understanding of counties, serves as a national advocate for counties and provides them with resources to help them find innovative methods to meet the challenges they face. NACo is involved in a number of special projects that deal with such issues as homeland security, drug abuse and broader access to health care.
Founded in 1950, the National Council on Aging (NCOA) is a nonprofit organization with a national network of more than 14,000 organizations and leaders. Our members include senior centers, area agencies on aging, adult day service centers, faith-based service organizations, senior housing facilities, employment services, consumer groups, and leaders from academia, business, and labor.
Our programs help older people remain healthy and independent, find jobs, increase access to benefits programs, and discover meaningful ways to continue contributing to society.
NCOA is a 501(c)3 organization located in Washington, DC.
The National Human Services Assembly is an association of the nation's leading national non-profits in the fields of health, human and community development, and human services.
The National Assembly is a learning community where leaders with parallel responsibilities at different national nonprofit human service organizations share knowledge and expertise about their work in this sector.
It is also a vehicle for collaborative action among its members and other interested parties in the public, private and nonprofit sectors.
The National League of Cities is the oldest and largest national organization representing municipal governments throughout the United States. Its mission is to strengthen and promote cities as centers of opportunity, leadership, and governance.
Working in partnership with the 49 state municipal leagues, the National League of Cities serves as a resource to and an advocate for the more than 19,000 cities, villages, and towns it represents. More than 1,600 municipalities of all sizes pay dues to NLC and actively participate as leaders and voting members in the organization.
The OLLI at the University of Southern Maine (USM) serves as the national center for the current network of 101 lifelong learning institutes throughout the nation.
The National Resource Center for the Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes plays a lead role in disseminating information on effective educational programming for older learners. In addition to providing information and connections via a website, the Resource Center will publish a national research journal, plan a biennial national conference, and provide a number of other ways for OLLIs to connect with one another.
The Bernard Osher Foundation designated the Osher Institute at USM as the National Resource Center for Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes in 2004. The Center is not a governance body so much as a center for excellence and dissemination of best practice models. Each Osher Institute reflects the culture of its own university and its learning community. The National Resource Center exists to facilitate the exchange of opinions, solutions and experiences among institutes throughout the country so that all can benefit.
Partners for Livable Communities is a non-profit leadership organization working to improve the livability of communities by promoting quality of life, economic development, and social equity. Since its founding in 1977, Partners has helped communities set a common vision for the future, discover and use new resources for community and economic development and build public/private coalitions to further their goals.
Partners promotes livable communities through technical assistance, leadership training, workshops, charettes, research and publications. More than 1,200 individuals and groups from local, state, national, international, public and private and media organizations make up Partners’ resource network and share innovative ideas on livability and community improvement.
Partners’ governing board includes a distinguished roster of leaders from local government, banking, arts and culture and the philanthropy industry. Foundations, corporations and fees for services fund the organization.
Second Journey is a nonprofit based in Chapel Hill, NC, whose mission is to foster the emerging movement of individuals, organizations and communities committed to creating a new vision of aging, new models of community for the second half
of life, and a just and sustainable world now and for future generations
The Sustainable Communities for All Ages Viable Futures Toolkit offers a comprehensive, user-friendly resource that turns the challenges of an aging population into opportunities for all ages to thrive. It offers guidance to planners, policymakers, service providers, and funders about how to create solutions for older generations that simultaneously address needs of younger generations and their communities.
Creating Aging-Friendly Communities online conference platform is provided by iCohere, Inc.